Ryan Hiebert wrote:

> The `is` operator in Python checks for identical objects. A string is not
> guaranteed to be exactly the same object as another string (in this
> example "True" is not the same object (bytes in memory) as the second
> "True", so Python rightly sees that they are not the same object.

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here.

In [81]: "True" is "True"
Out[81]: True

In [82]: a = "anything"

In [83]: b = "anything"

In [84]: a is b
Out[84]: True

In [85]: a = "any" + "thing"

In [86]: a is b
Out[86]: True

In [87]: a = "any"

In [88]: a += "thing"

In [89]: a is b
Out[89]: False

> True, False, and None are singletons, that are guaranteed to always point
> to the exact same object in memory, and `is` is the appropriate operator
> to use there. It is for those singletons that this feature is being added.

Ok. I'm not usually a python programmer, so I don't know what kind of 
expectations people have of 'if ... is' in templates. Given the behavior of 
python, I find the behavior surprising. 

Perhaps it should be documented. The documentation doesn't currently say 
that 'if ... is' only works for True, False and None. If that is the case, 
then it probably should be documented.

(and the unit tests should be renamed :))



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