Hi Shai,

On 06/20/2016 11:07 PM, Shai Berger wrote:
> Well, we can change decorator_from_middleware to introspect the middleware 
> itself and decide accordingly:
> -- if it does not have process_request or process_response as callable 
> attributes, and it is callable itself, it is a new-style middleware 

"Does not have process_request and process_response as callable
attributes" isn't reliable -- there's nothing preventing a new-style
middleware from having such methods and calling them from `__call__` (in
fact any middleware converted using MiddlewareMixin will fit this

> -- if it does, we can define a new attribute '_dep5' (or something) whose 
> presence will indicate a dep5-compatible middleware. This attribute can be 
> defined on the transition mixin, so that people who use it for transition 
> don't 
> have to care
> -- if it has callable process_request/process_response and doesn't have _dep5 
> then it is an old-style middleware
> Note that decorator_from_middleware already used to instantiate the 
> middleware 
> class anyway, so the check can be applied to a middleware object, not to a 
> middleware factory.
> The whole introspection behavior, including the _dep5 attribute and the code 
> that checks for it, can be dropped when old-style middleware is finally 
> dropped. If someone uses _dep5 manually, it will do them no harm later.

We can indeed introspect to try to auto-detect. It's a bit more complex
due to the different `__init__` signature as well, and it would fail in
case someone defined __call__ on an old-style middleware for some
reason, but I've already written the code for this in

The main reason I abandoned auto-detection for this second attempt is
that the behavior of these new-style view decorators is different enough
that I'd like to provide better flexibility for third-party projects.
Imagine a third-party project that currently provides both a middleware
and a view decorator, created by decorator_from_middleware. Now they are
adding Django 1.10 compatibility. If we auto-detect, and they inherit
their middleware from the transition mixin so it's cross-compatible,
decorator_from_middleware will suddenly detect it as new-style, leaving
them no way to continue to provide their old decorator with fully
backwards-compatible behavior.

Basically, I think middleware_decorator does something that's
fundamentally different enough from decorator_from_middleware that it is
clearer to make it a separate function and let people make explicit
choices about which one they are using.


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