Hello all, here are my thoughts after reading the discussion.

@Erik You won on having the biggest name! Regarding your question about 
"how long is long enough", after checking other web frameworks such as 
I believe the most sensible proposal would be to increase from 30 to 255, 
which is the maximum value permitted for a varchar without changing any 
field in User model.

@Aymeric Agree with you that now with the migrations framework this would 
not be a big issue. Regarding the UI, I argue that this is something we 
already have to deal with, for example, if someone uses all 60 characters 
for first_name and last_name (Ex. "Bommiraju Sitaramanjaneyulu Rajasekhara 
Srinivasulu L S V Sai")  this will probably already break the UI in most 
cases. We can always use {{ last_name|truncatechars:30 }} to fix the UI. I 
mostly believe we should delegate this to the developers of each app and 
not to the users (Ex. that have big surnames).

@Ludovic, is_null and Josh Thank you for the link and suggestions. I agree 
that "Full name" seems to be the most reasonable choice here, but I don't 
want break backwards compatibility, or at least not on this proposal. :)

So I'm suggesting a change from 30 to 255 characters on last_name field, 
which is the maximum possible without breaking backwards compatibility. 
Maybe on Django 3 we can propose a change to "Full name" field ?

Kind Regards.

On Friday, July 29, 2016 at 1:15:43 PM UTC+2, Raony Guimaraes Corrêa Do 
Carmo Lisboa Cardenas wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> For a long time I was having problems to login to djangopackages.com 
> using my github account (pydanny/djangopackages#338 
> <https://github.com/pydanny/djangopackages/issues/338>). After 
> investigating I discovered the problem was because my surname is longer 
> than 30 characters. I don't know why both first_name and last_name fields 
> have the same size limit of 30 characters in Django. That doesn't sound 
> very reasonable.
> I'm sure there are other people on the same situation and this already 
> happened with me trying to login in other django websites.
> [image: selection_086] 
> <https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/124987/17208678/f7a40f40-54b9-11e6-8978-7240782707c7.png>
> Tim Graham suggested I should first ask on this maillist (
> https://github.com/django/django/pull/6988#issuecomment-235945422) to see 
> if there is consensus to make the change.
> I would like to ask your opinion about an increase from 30 to 60 
> characters on last_name field so that my login and others won't break again 
> in the future. I can create a Trac ticket if the response is positive.
> Kind Regards,

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