Just to follow up on this - general support for passing options to 
memcached clients has landed on master [1], so it's now possible to enable 
binary mode, pass SASL credentials and also control any other settings 
using OPTIONS.

For examples, see the end of the cache arguments documentation:

I'm going to try and backport these changes (plus ticket #27152 
<https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27152>) to django-pylibmc, so the 
same Django settings file will work for both, to make transitioning from 
"older Django+django-pylibmc backend" to "Django 1.11+ with stock backend" 
easier. My ideal end-state is for django-pylibmc to eventually become 
redundant for the majority of users, with all but the too-specific (eg 
compression) features being merged into the native backend.

Best wishes,


[1] https://github.com/django/django/pull/7160

On Monday, 22 February 2016 12:00:31 UTC, Ed Morley wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Thank you for your reply. 
> Yeah I spotted that discussion (it's [6] in the OP). Back then Heroku (and 
> other PaaS providers) were less common (and I'm not sure how many of those 
> users frequent this list).
> Given that django-pylibmc has 8000 downloads a month on PyPI (and this is 
> bearing in mind that Heroku re-uses the virtualenv, so Heroku deployments 
> won't be counted in that figure aside from updates) I think there is a case 
> for including it in the default backend - given it would only be a 5-10 
> line addition. Even for people who won't be using auth, the new binary mode 
> is faster, so could be useful regardless.
> I'm happy to put together a PR to make the impact/complexity easier to 
> judge, if that helps?
> Before I do that I would just need to know whether the `username`, 
> `password` and `binary` fields should be added to the top level 
> `CACHES['foo']` dict, or nested inside `OPTIONS` within that? Examples:
> https://emorley.pastebin.mozilla.org/8858134
> Many thanks,
> Ed
> On Monday, 1 February 2016 18:47:17 UTC, Tim Graham wrote:
>> I found an old discussion about it, but it didn't attract much interest 
>> at the time: 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/django-developers/pISp20wuu0E/discussion
>> On Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 7:21:49 PM UTC-5, Ed Morley wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> For apps running on Heroku, two of the main memcached options are 
>>> MemCachier and Memcached Cloud [1]. Both of these control access via SASL 
>>> authentication, which isn't supported by Django's current pylibmc backend 
>>> [2], even though pylibmc supports it [3]. As such, currently the 
>>> django-pylibmc backend has to be used instead [4].
>>> I'd like to add SASL auth support to the Django pylibmc backend to make 
>>> this unnecessary, which is just a case of passing the relevant parameters 
>>> through to the pylibmc client during its instantiation [5]. A previous 
>>> newsgroup discussion about this is at [6].
>>> SASL auth requires binary mode, so I'll also need to add support for 
>>> that - for which there is already a Django ticket filed [7].
>>> I have a couple of questions:
>>> a) Will a PR to add SASL authentication support be accepted?
>>> b) If yes to (a), should the `username`, `password` and `binary` fields 
>>> be added to the top level `CACHES['foo']` dict, or nested inside `OPTIONS` 
>>> within that? I'm presuming within OPTIONS? Examples: [8].
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Ed
>>> [1] https://elements.heroku.com/addons#caching
>>> [2] 
>>> https://github.com/django/django/blob/1.9.1/django/core/cache/backends/memcached.py#L181
>>> [3] 
>>> https://github.com/lericson/pylibmc/blob/1.5.0/src/pylibmc/client.py#L125
>>> [4] https://github.com/django-pylibmc/django-pylibmc
>>> [5] eg: 
>>> https://github.com/django-pylibmc/django-pylibmc/blob/v0.6.1/django_pylibmc/memcached.py#L85-L91
>>> [6] 
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/django-developers/pylibmc/django-developers/pISp20wuu0E/tamJ1h8zCzsJ
>>> [7] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/15815
>>> [8] https://emorley.pastebin.mozilla.org/8858134

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