I am a python developer and like to use Django for web development.
Since I like the framework I want to contribute back, so I looked at the
open tickets to find something I can start with contributing and found
ticket 28588.

This ticket is about when checking if the user has permission for some
action if the user is super user he/she gets it all the time, even when the
permission doesn't exist, and this is not developer friendly because the
developer can mistakenly think that everything is fine even when the
permission doesn't exist.

As I understand (and correct me if I'm wrong) there should be a discussion
about if we want to do this.

If accepted I would like to do this, I think it's an easy enough change for
a new contributor like me.

As I understand the ticket the problem is that a developer gets confused on
this behaviour (and it's illogical) that the super user is having a
permission that doesn't exist.

What do you think? (I think I will discuss my solution or optional
solutions after we decide if we want to change this behaviour)

[1] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28588

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