Hi Nils. 

> ... and an issue (#29681), which was 
prematurely closed as wontfix. 

As per the when you already re-opened #29038 on this issue, there now needs 
to be a consensus here before 
we can (or will) consider a new ticket for this. That's not "premature" — 
it's just how the project management of 
Django works. The mailing list allows a wider discussion on issues that 
have previously been resolved. 
I ask you to respect that. 

The PR: https://github.com/django/django/pull/10308

Only half-joking, the diff here makes me want to weep. For me, 150 files 
and 1803 line changes is just too much to 
enforce something that is of minority appeal. 

On XHTML5 generally, I have no problem with properly closing tags, and I 
guess `/>` if you must but I look at `checked="checked"` and my personal 
response is that I just don't want that. 

I understand the benefits of XML but I think trying to enforce it in a web 
framework in 2018 and beyond is skating to where the puck was, so to speak. 
Developers expect HTML5 and it we don't go with that as a default every PR 
that comes in will need "correcting" for the XML syntax, and we'll end up 
with a 10:1 increase in new issues asking why we're not taking advantage 
the new, more concise, syntax. 

You want to serve the pages you generate with XHTML. Fine. (Beyond custom 
widget templates what do you need?) But (from the PR) why do we need to 
serve (e.g.) the Admin so? Or have the examples in the docs (and code 
comments) be XHTML compliant? Or the template we use to test the email 
sending functionality? (I appreciate you probably scripted these changes.)

Does it really matter if framework provided pages use HTML5? Why? (If it 
does matter can you not warp a middleware around HTML Tidy, or similar, to 
do the conversion for you?)

If there are barriers to you creating XHTML pages, we can look at those, 
but I'd be -1 on bringing it back framework wide. 

Kind Regards,


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