On Sun, Apr 14, 2019 at 1:06 PM Florian Apolloner <f.apollo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is imo not something that scales well. Also it is not something I want 
> to pay our fellows for, I rather have them use their time on something else. 
> It is true that it is probably easier and faster to just fix code instead of 
> back & forth with the contributor, but the main argument for me here is that 
> this is work that shouldn't be needed in the first place.

True, having an automated code formatter would definitely help to save
reviewer a bit time. However, Django has already flake8 checker on
GitHub, which would already help a contributor to fix biggest
inconsistencies in their PR. Note that my point in my earlier email
was that there are more minor details than just cosmetic fixes and
unfortunately you can't automatically fix all of them :) So, a final
round of edits still needed.

I've used git-hyper-blame before. Most of the time you need to
manually collect all "mass cleanup" commits in a file (and you need to
maintain that file separately) It's also not easy to integrate it with
your workflow especially if you're using "git blame" from your IDE of


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