Hi all,

I've had this sat in my drafts for a while. Rather than let it sit on the 
shelf any longer I thought it better to share. 

I've been thinking about recognising contributions recently. The main issue 
with the notes here is that it focuses on code rather than contributions to 
the wider Django ecosystem. However, if there are improvements that we 
could make here I think we should explore those, and maybe some of them 
could be used more widely.  

Here are a few ideas of how contributions could be recognise following a 
peer review of other projects. Some are better than others, some are easier 
to implement than others. Hopefully something to prompt some discussion. 
What do folk think? How would you feel if you were recognised in one of 
these ways?

- Add Python style `contributed by` in the release notes. I'm not so sure 
about adding the ticket number (in fact I think I saw Nick Pope point to 
something today that says we don't ref tickets?). [1]

- For the headline features add names to the blog post [2]. Could also add 
link to their blog / website /Twitter (less sure about this second part).

- The blog post (or another page) to include a long list of names of 
everyone who contributeted a commit in that release. I think it's fine if 
this is long, can probably use Simon W's GitHub-to-sqlite repo for this so 
it is sustainable. [3]

- For the headline features make a series of Twitter posts highlighting 
them and acknowledge contributors. I'm thinking something along the lines 
of what Adam Johnson did for the 3.2 release but include names & thank 

- A rust style thanks page [4] (but **not** the all time list, I don't 
think that's helpful and it's on GitHub anyway).

- A go style contributor summit. (I don't think this is feasible, even 
remotely. But I'll put it out there!). A slight variation on this could be 
folk who have contributed could apply for different coloured conference 
passes/lanyards.  [5]

Kind Regards



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    • ... Carlton Gibson
      • ... Tom Forbes
        • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
          • ... Tom Carrick
            • ... smi...@gmail.com
              • ... Carlton Gibson
                • ... chris.j...@gmail.com
                • ... Tim Graham
                • ... chris.j...@gmail.com
                • ... Carlton Gibson

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