Well, that ticket is 8 years old and in the meantime other email backends 
have emerged, requiring different configuration options.
I made this proposal after attempting to fix a 14 year old open ticket 
#6989 but this was ultimately postponed, see comment by
Carlton Gibson on 

To summarize the discussion from 7 years ago

Collin Anderson wrote:

> I don't see any benefit to moving email settings to a dictionary. It is 
> helpful for databases and caches because there can be multiple backends.  

It makes the popular "from local_settings import *" convention harder to 
> use. What's wrong with 6 individual settings? If the goal is to allow

multiple email backends, then let's make that the ticket goal.

and Carl Meyer replied:

> I agree with Collin; unless we are adding new capabilities (i.e. multiple 
> configured email backends, which it seems nobody really wants), it's hard 

to find any actual benefit from this change to justify the churn (and the 
> additional complexities of working with dictionary settings in 
> partial-override scenarios).

why shouldn't it makes sense to have different email backends? If you have 
a staging system you may want to use you local SMTP-relay, while in 
you may for instance use AWSs SES 
<https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/Welcome.html> service. That 
service may require additional configuration settings not available in the 
local smtp backend.
I can also imagine that in some situations it may make sense to have two 
email backends concurrently. We maybe should rethink about that.

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  • Pro... Jacob Rief
    • ... Tim Graham
      • ... Jacob Rief
        • ... Florian Apolloner
          • ... st...@jigsawtech.co.uk
            • ... Florian Apolloner
              • ... Matthias Kestenholz
                • ... Alexander Schulze
              • ... Steven Mapes
              • ... Steven Mapes
                • ... 'Adam Johnson' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
                • ... Florian Apolloner
                • ... Jacob Rief

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