#8138: Switch django tests to use transactions
          Reporter:  mremolt            |         Owner:  nobody  
            Status:  new                |     Milestone:  post-1.0
         Component:  Testing framework  |       Version:  SVN     
        Resolution:                     |      Keywords:          
             Stage:  Accepted           |     Has_patch:  1       
        Needs_docs:  0                  |   Needs_tests:  0       
Needs_better_patch:  0                  |  
Comment (by mremolt):

 Replying to [comment:18 kmtracey]:
 > I've looked at this a little more and figured out a few things.
 > Disconnecting `close_connection` from from `request_finished` solves
 this problem, so that tests that use the test Client do not automatically
 need to use the old way, and may take advantage of the rollback approach.
 In the patch I'll attach the signal is disconnected/reconnected around the
 sending of the signal...this is probably overkill.  I think it would be OK
 to just disconnect `close_connection` from that signal once and be done
 with it but I haven't had time to go back and experiment with that since I
 tried the first way.

 Great, I always wondered why the test client behaved that way and
 suspected threading/process problems.

 > Second, having the fixture teardown code attempt to detect whether a
 commit had been performed by the test code (despite the test case being a
 type that supposedly didn't use transactions) and fallback to flush/reload
 didn't seem to be working too well.  I tried tracking down a few of the
 failures caused by these and eventually decided to try a different
 approach, which is: if it's a test case that says it doesn't need
 transactions to work, monkey patch the transaction commit/rollback and
 enter/leave transaction management routines so that even if they are
 called by the code being tested, they do nothing, for the duration of the
 > I don't know how the monkey patch idea will be received, but this
 approach seems to work better.  Doing it this way, none of the existing
 Django tescases need to use the old flush/reload approach.  That is, the
 tests that do actually call commit or rollback (like admin_views, which
 call admin views that are wrapped in commit_on_success) don't actually
 need those calls to do anything in order for the test to properly test
 what it is trying to test.  Things work fine when those routines don't do
 anything, and the test fixture teardown is able to reliably un-do what the
 test has done, leaving things clean for the next test.

 What about adding signals to transaction processing? It could simplify the
 code here and might be useful at other places. Whenever a transaction is
 commited, a signal post_commit is emitted. This signal is catched by the
 test case and if it is a case that shouldn't need transactions, it simply
 throws an TransactionNotAllowedHere exception "That's evil! Please use the
 TestCase that can handle transactions.". That way no monkeypatching is
 necessary and it tells the developer what she/he is doing wrong.

 Instead of trying to guess if a transaction happened (was a bad idea) or
 deactivating transactions transparently (if a test relies on the commit,
 the developer will have some nice head scratching), it simply enforces the
 developer to use the right TestCase. What do you think?

 By the way, during the holidays (when that damned website is online) I can
 start contributing to that patch again, if my help is wanted.

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8138#comment:19>
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