#8138: Switch django tests to use transactions
          Reporter:  mremolt            |         Owner:  nobody  
            Status:  new                |     Milestone:  post-1.0
         Component:  Testing framework  |       Version:  SVN     
        Resolution:                     |      Keywords:          
             Stage:  Accepted           |     Has_patch:  1       
        Needs_docs:  0                  |   Needs_tests:  0       
Needs_better_patch:  0                  |  
Comment (by ericholscher):

 It appears that Ellington has a custom test runner for doc tests
 (basically the patch from #5624). I missed this earlier (and that explains
 why there was no difference between the above patches in my reply before

 We are currently doing a flush and then a loaddata on fixtures found in
 doctests. We are loading fixtures in the doc tests, and not cleaning them
 up (until next time around when a flush occurs it seems.) I believe that a
 unit test is being run in between all of these instances, probably rolling
 back the transaction at the end (as I understand it, my database knowledge
 is lacking), which is allowing the rest of the tests to pass.

 The good news is that I now have the entire ellington suite passing with
 the above behavior (with 11x speed increase). We had a couple instances of
 tests relying on a previous test's data sticking around, and one instance
 of a test depending on the pk of it's contents to pass. Fixing those up
 allowed me to make all of the test suite pass.

 Taking out the flushing threw things through a loop. With the tzcommit
 patch, I was getting some collision of slug fields. This was caused by
 incomplete fixtures that didn't have a slug, and used to work because
 there wasn't another thing of that value being set in that test. These are
 now fixed.

 I think that it will be possible to get the full suite running on the
 patch that does doctest transaction rollbacks. However, since we are
 loading fixtures outside of the doctest runner currently, I am getting
 some bleed over on tests. I'm assuming this is because the loaddata is
 happening before the call to the DoctestRunner. If we put this fixture
 loading logic there, inside the transaction, I think all tests would now
 pass. I think the fact that we're using fixtures in doctests basically
 makes it so that we have to run a custom test runner (unless #5624 gets
 accepted, where transactions would almost be necessary around doctests...
 This would solve the inconsistency, and give a reason to have rollbacks on

 An interesting benchmark; the test suite when I take out the flush took
 around 180s to run. (This is almost around a real 30x speed increase, and
 3x faster than with the flush.). Unit tests seem to gain even more
 performance from transactions because the database was being flushed
 before every test (IIRC).

 Sorry about the false report before, and let me know if there's anything
 else I can do. I'll spend some time tomorrow trying to get our suite
 passing without flushing of the DB, probably by moving out fixture loading
 inside the transaction in doctests.

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8138#comment:27>
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