#8138: Switch django tests to use transactions
          Reporter:  mremolt            |         Owner:  nobody  
            Status:  new                |     Milestone:  post-1.0
         Component:  Testing framework  |       Version:  SVN     
        Resolution:                     |      Keywords:          
             Stage:  Accepted           |     Has_patch:  1       
        Needs_docs:  0                  |   Needs_tests:  0       
Needs_better_patch:  0                  |  
Comment (by kmtracey):

 I actually think it should be relatively easy for developers to know that
 what they are testing requires working transaction methods. You need, for
 example, to be testing that in a sequence of n updates where some will
 succeed but ultimately a failure will be encountered causing the whole set
 to be rolled back, to be testing to make sure that some of the initial DB
 updates that were made were actually rolled back by the subsequent
 failure.  This sort of test will not be able to work with the do-nothing
 transaction routines, it would have to use !TransactionTestCase to run
 successfully, and I think the failure when run under a simple !TestCase
 would be pretty obvious.

 As for commit, I think it would be relatively hard to write a test that
 will notice an expected commit has not been done, since you'd have to
 somehow do a query from outside the context of the test case transaction
 to be able to tell that what would ordinarily have been committed by the
 code under test hasn't actually been committed yet.

 I also think it's pretty nice to be able to get the speedup offered by the
 rollback test approach even for code under test that calls transaction
 routines, when in fact the tests don't need those routines to be
 functional in order to correctly test what they are intending to test.
 The admin views fall into this category.  The edit view, for example, is
 wrapped in commit_on_success, which if running on a transaction-supporting
 database provides a nice all-or-nothing guarantee for, say, multiple
 updates to inine-edited objects.  But we don't have any tests for that
 guarantee (they would necessarily fail on MySQL/MyISAM).  So as far as the
 admin_views tests are concerned any commits/rollbacks done by the code
 under test aren't critical to the proper functioning of the test.  It
 would seem a shame to require these tests to take the performance hit of
 having to use the flush/load test approach simply because admin provides
 the all-or-nothing behavior when run on a transaction-supporting DB.

 So it seems the more I think about it the more I like the monkey-patching
 approach, personally.  (I am perhaps being unduly influenced by being able
 to run the full Django test suite on one of my machines now in under 10
 minutes where before near an hour was the minimum...and under and hour
 even on my very slow old test machines where before a day or overnight run
 was required.)

 I'll be around over the holidays but won't have much time free since I'll
 have family visiting.  If you (or anyone) could figure out the PostgreSQL
 time issue that would be a good thing to fully understand before moving
 forward with this.  Also if there's a more elegant way to test for "the DB
 rollback works" and what the consequences of it not working are w.r.t.
 !DoctTests.  Is what's in the patch I attached last night equivalent to
 the old approach when run on a non-transaction-supporting DB given that
 the fixture loading for unit tests will flush/reload, making it no big
 deal that the rollback after a !DocTest run does nothing?  The old
 approach didn't appear to bracket !DocTests with any sort of DB
 flush/reload so maybe thing are OK there, but I didn't pay a whole lot of
 attention to the !DocTest bits as I was looking at this since most of the
 errors I was hitting had to do with unit tests.

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8138#comment:20>
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