Hey all,

My first post and I wish it was something positive (and maybe a little
shorter).  I'm migrating from winXP to linux(Fedora4) and I'm at a
loss.  First off everything works perfectly from the dev server -
'dango-admin.py runserver'.

I see my app(really just the tutorial 'polls' at this point - for
testing purposes and as a refresher for all the basics) and the admin
interface.  But when I go through mod_python I get wacky errors (posted
at http://www.onylybigkids.com/django/ae.htm &
http://www.onlybigkids.com/django/ae2.htm).  What  is really weird is
the first time I request a page I get the first error then if I do a
reload I get the second.  Mod_python works fine doing the hello world.
My django app is in my /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ directory.
I'm using sqlite3 as my database backend.

>From the errors you'd think I was spelling something wrong in my
settings.py - but it wouldn't work from the dev server would it?  I was
thinking permissions -  so I chmod/chgrp/chown'd so much I don't even
remember what it was before :-) I started mucking around.  I've been
doing everything as root which I would think is the thing to do.  But I
now have read/write permissions on all my project set for anyone.  I
even added my /var/www/html dir to my python path and moved the project
over there and chown it to apache.  It has always worked from the
dev-server but never apache2/mod_python3.  It this possibly a version

This was so easy on winxp, and I'm not the linux expert I'd like to be.
 I'll post anything people want to see (httpd.conf, python.conf,
settings.py - even the sqlite3 db).  Thanks in advance.


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