On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Richard Shebora <sheb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Matt
> You are correct.  The "drupal/joomla/plone/wordpress space" does exist
> and it is where most people (non-developers) look first.  These are
> the people who need to perceive django in a more positive light if the
> goal is to increase django market share.  They are the people who hire
> you and I.  If not, it's a moot point.
> @Everyone
> I was not clear that I support everything Russ said, and that I am
> most in favor of an "Enterprise" site that sets forth standards and
> best practices which make apps more compatible and hence more
> marketable.

Perhaps I wasn't clear, but that's not what I meant by an "enterprise" site.

The enterprise site I'm talking about is the list of stuff you can use
to convince your pointy-haired, non-technical boss that Django is
worth considering instead of J2EE, .Net or whatever other big $$$
"serious enterprise" framework they're being sold. This means reducing
the risk factors from a non-technical perspective, or at least framing
technical factors at a level that non-technical people can understand.
Case studies show that other big companies are using Django, and
benefited from using it; lists of contractors show that there are
options when problems arise; and so on.

The technical requirements for interoperability are a separate issue.
It's certainly an issue that should be addressed, but I'm not
convinced it requires a whole other site. What is needed in this area
is for someone to condense the best practices that have evolved in
Pinax (and other comparable large tools) into a coherent guide that
can be integrated into Django's own documentation. If this is a
project that interests you, I heartily encourage you to pursue it.

On a historical note -- Pinax exists as a concrete manifestation of
django-hotclub, which is/was a project to do exactly what you describe
-- to define and document best practices for reusable Django apps.
However, over time, the abstract idea of the Hotclub has taken a back
seat to the practicalities of Pinax.

Russ Magee %-)

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