I guess I just don't like the model.py, views.py, templates, and
url.py. In the tutorial you have to edit all of these and THEN you get
something that you can send to the client. It's very confusing! How do
they tie together? I probably need to do the tutorial again. It seems
to me getting info from the user should be strait foreword but its not
as displayed by the rather lengthy tutorial. But than I'm new to

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Daniel Roseman <dan...@roseman.org.uk> wrote:
> On Jul 8, 6:43 pm, Bradley Hintze <bradle...@aggiemail.usu.edu> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I did the tutorial and I've spent the last two days in the
>> documentation trying, and failing, to figure out how to tie my model
>> to a view and ultimately a template that is served. The documentation
>> seems to do a lot of things (like write html) automatically which is
>> not what I want (seehttp://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/).  I 
>> am not
>> interested in admin sites, they make things easier but I am interested
>> in learning the code (i.e. the HTML and how it communicates with
>> python) rather than, in my view, just blackbox automation.
>> I hope this makes sense. Please tell me if it doesn't.  I want to
>> simply upload a file and then process the file using code I already
>> have. I would like to write the HTML code myself rather then having
>> django automatically do it. This is because I want to learn how to
>> process forms and not have a black box do everything for me. Are there
>> methods to simply get post data from a form that I write rather the
>> django automatically creating it (an example maybe)? are models
>> necessary for what I'm explaining? Is django right for what I'm
>> explaining?
>> --
>> Bradley J. Hintze
>> Graduate Student
>> Duke University
>> School of Medicine
>> 801-712-8799
> Django doesn't write any HTML for you. The admin is an automatically-
> created system, true, but that has nothing to do with the pages you
> serve to your users. And the forms documentation you point to shows
> how to generate a form and display it in the template without
> 'automatically creating it' - is there anything here:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/#customizing-the-form-template
> that doesn't make sense to you? The only thing 'automatic' about that
> example is that you type {{ form.subject }} and Django outputs <input
> id="id_subject">.
> --
> DR.
> --
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Bradley J. Hintze
Graduate Student
Duke University
School of Medicine

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