I don't know enough about your environment to make a solid
recommendation, but here are my thoughts.

I commend you on the decision to investigate source control. I find it
priceless and never code anything without it. Most of my experience is
with ColdFusion, but I have mostly moved over to Oracle and Postgres
programming and now Python. I converted our fairly large team from CVS
to SVN about 2 years ago and it's been tough. Some developers will
totally embrace it, learn it, and find it to be a very useful tool.
Others will oppose it. You definitely need a champion that the others
can look to for support and advice. You will have to establish your
own guidelines on how to use the tool, as most are fairly flexible in
how they are used.

If your team members are working locally behind a firewall, then I
would recommend Subversion. SVN can get a little slow if you have a
large code base and accessing a hosted server via the internet may not
be any fun. If new users experience slow speeds, they will simply use
that as an excuse not to use it or not to learn some of the more
powerful features. You have a diverse team, most likely with varying
skills sets. Strong client software will be important, especially
during the learning phase. TortoiseSVN is a very well written Windows
client and Subclipse is a very good Eclipse client. Both are very good
at guiding a user through merging, which is sometimes difficult for
new users. SVN probably has the best documentation. There is an open
source book at: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/. You can this in print as
well. The TortoiseSVN help file is actually a really good resource for
someone learning SVN as well.

I have used svnrepository, but have switched to repositoryhosting for
personal work. At $6/mth for SVN, Git, Mercurial, and Trac, you can't
beat it. Would I host my enterprise business there? No way. Your code
is your business and I'd like to think it's worth more then$6/mth.

It's not hard to install and run SVN. The install is easy on Windows
or Linux and requires little administration. The configuration can get
more complex if you throw in more advanced security or host it behind
Apache. After writing a solid backup script, day-to-day admin is
basically zero.

As others have mentioned, use Git or Mercurial for a distributed team.
Performance will be much better, but client tools are not as strong.
If everyone is comfortable with a command line client, then this is
not an issue.

Good luck!


On Jul 16, 4:56 pm, Hooshyar <hnara...@hanzinet.com> wrote:
> Hello Django users,
> My Django-driven web application has grown fast and large enough and
> more programmers are contributing code and UI components that I would
> like to set up a source code management software. I would be glad if
> you could share your experience as to what software I should use. I am
> new to this task, so I would appreciate your pointers too. What to
> look for? What the future expansion might compel me to adapt, etc.
> One of the first questions I thought I would need to address is
> whether I should install the source code management software on our
> dedicated server or use a hosted service? My immediate need is to
> expedite development cycle, as more programmers are working on
> different components and need to update the source code frequently. To
> give you an idea of our development environment, we have pure Python
> developers, Django developers, and we have UI/UX designers constantly
> working on Django templates. We also have Javascript coders working on
> various aspects of jQuery and our in-house developed Ajax
> functionality.
> I am willing to pay a service provider and be up and running. But in
> reality, is it how it is going to work out? In the category of hosted
> services, I found one entityhttp://www.svnrepository.com(it seems it
> is a public-facing web site to another destinationhttp://www.SourceRepo.com).
> Has anyone experience with either of these? Or, would you recommend
> the installation is really easy, if I install the software myself.
> My application is NOT open-source and will not become one in the
> immediate future. It is a proprietary SaaS (software as a Service),
> although for some reasons I prefer to call it a PaaS (Platform as a
> Service). Either description, the final product will be proprietary
> and we would like to protect our code. Would this imply a hosted
> service is out of question?
> Thank you in advance.
> Regards,
> Hooshyar F. Naraghi

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