On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 14:24 -0700, Dan Shafer wrote:
> I'm now starting to build one or two tutorial projects in Django in my
> final phase evaluation of it and TurboGears. In preparation, I checked
> out of SVN the current trunk and ran through the setup/install
> process. I'm on OS X 10.4.7, by the way, and trying to run this
> locally with MySQL as the db.
> When I installed Django, it ended up in a deeply buried directory on
> my system, but I guess it's the one where Python packages tend to go
> (/Library/Python/2.3/site-packages/Django- 0.95-y2.3.egg/django). I
> have created a project in django/bin called djproject (following one
> tutorial at IBM's DeveloperWorks) and have struggled through the setup
> and initialization stuff. I have successfully set up my new database
> and have reached the point where I'm supposed to run syncdb. Along the
> way, I've had to do a lot of futzing with command-line parameters
> because (it appears at least) the Django install didn't properly set
> up the PYTHONPATH environment variable for me. Still, I've managed to
> get this far. 
> Now when I type at a Python prompt:
> from jobs.models import Job
> from within the /djproject/jobs directory, I get a "No module named
> jobs.models" error. So I move up to the parent directory (see above
> about fiddling with directory locations) and I try the same command
> and this generates a Python error: 
> EnvironmentError: Environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is
> undefined.

If you want to work with an interactive prompt, the easiest way is to be
inside your project directory (jobs/ in your case, I guess) and run
"./manage.py shell". This will set up DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and append
the current directory to the Python path for you.

You could set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable yourself
(it should point to the Python-importable path to your settings.py file)
if you like. That was the old way you had to do it in Django; it got
tedious very quickly so it was wrapped in a manage.py option.


> I searched the mailing list archives and other sites and although it
> appears that this is not an uncommon problem, the method of fixing it
> is sufficiently obtuse to me (as one who is somewhat uncomfortable
> still with the *nix command line, though at least not terrified of
> it!) that I can't quite dope out how to fix it. 
> I'm loath to move the DJango directory because I've seen that in the
> past cause SVN problems that were quite painful. At the same time,
> this process of dealing with directories and permissions (somehow
> superuser got involved and now I can't even edit files without
> multiple steps involving permission) has been getting in the way of my
> learning Django, which after all is my objective. 
> So my question is would I be better off: (a) starting with the
> official version rather than SVNing the dev version; and (b) just
> blowing away the Django stuff on my system before I have too much of
> it and restart, putting Django in a more accessible directory on which
> I have proper permissions? Or am I just missing some little thing that
> someone could tell me how to fix easily and I'd be back in the
> clover? 
> Thanks for helping someone whose problem is probably not completely
> Django-specific.
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
> http://www.shafermedia.com
> > 

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