Dear Django folks,

just an information that I would like to share (and be happy to hear some feedback):

The users of my mod_wsgi hosted app reported bad performance in a large view that consists of a table of hundreds of rows and dozens of columns.

I first used the Django Debug Toolbar to find database/query bottlenecks and issues, when these where down to few accesses and few milliseconds, made sure that my server was indeed CPU-limited (what I was somewhat surprised to find), and finally I used repoze.profile [1] [2] for performance profiling.

Even with the django.template.loaders.cached.Loader enabled, it turned out that by far most of the time was spent in render_to_response(), and there especially in i18n and l10n related methods.

I almost settled with banning all {% load i18n %} statements from my non-admin templates, when by accident I found that in fact USE_L10N = True in was the true source of the low performance (quite contrary to the answer provided in [3])!

That is, setting USE_L10N = False more than doubled the performance of my script and removed all i18n/l10n related traces from the top of the profiler stats! (And left me with numbers like 7.5 rather than 7,5, but that's not really a serious problem here.)

In summary, contrary to [3], I hope that the docs keep or add thick, fat and blinking warnings about the performance impacts of USE_L10N ;-)

Best regards,

[1] <>
[2] <> [3] <>

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