Hi Kat,

You have to tell the your registration view to use the
RegistrationFormTermsofService. First, import that class from forms and
change your form_call from None to to RegistrationFormTermsofService.

Hope this helps.

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 5:34 PM, katstevens <kat.stev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi - I'm new to Django and am using django-registration to set up new
> users.
> The basic RegistrationForm shows up fine in my template (which just
> uses {{ form.as_table }} to generate fields inside the form HTML), but
> I now want to use the RegistrationFormTermsOfService subclass instead.
> I set it as a parameter in urls.py as follows:
>                       url(r'^register/$',
>                           register,
>                           {'form_class':
> RegistrationFormTermsOfService},
>                           name='registration_register'),
> ... but the original RegistrationForm is still showing instead. Any
> ideas why this would be? Do I have to remove the default 'form_class'
> value in the register declaration in views.py (as that still gives
> RegistrationForm as the default)? Or do I need to alter my template?
> I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious - any help gratefully
> received.
> Kat
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