On Friday, July 08, 2011 10:41:02 am br wrote:
> I am currently in the middle of a project where we are planning on
> using Django with PhoneGap . . . Haven't completed yet, or gotten to
> the PhoneGap part of it, so can't report its success or not yet.
> Basically, we are using jQuery Mobile to develop a complete mobile
> application that operates on a pair of cached JSON objects, one to
> define the page flow of the application and the page contents, and the
> other to store form results to be returned to the server or stored in
> localstorage.  I am not using Django templates for anything, but
> rather just going to use TastyPie to provide a REST interface for the
> app's models in order to provide and receive the JSON objects to and
> from the front end. So essentially- just using Django for the back
> end. We also looked at Sencha touch vs. jQMobile for the front end but
> went with jQ Mobile because my front end developer was much more
> comfortable with it and was already familiar with jQuery.  Once we get
> the thing working as an addressable mobile web app, we intend to
> package and wrap it as a PhoneGap app.   I can post an update on our
> success or failures in a month or so when the project has come
> together more.  As of now, just he front end is completed to operate
> on the JSON objects and I am working on the models and REST interface
> for it.
> Ben

Interesting!  Are you avoiding the templates because you feel they will slow 
the app down?  I wonder if PhoneGap would have issues with templates?

I like the idea of going with jQMobile because I like jQuery very much too.  

The REST interface would also be interesting - let us know how that goes!


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