On Jan 4, 10:36 am, Javier Guerra Giraldez <jav...@guerrag.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Andre Terra <andrete...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > No, you don't need to go reading about what MVC means. Django is a MTV
> > framework, not MVC. There are similarities, but the differences are enough
> > to confuse your head if this is your first time with either one.
> I agree, i'd even say forget about MVC!
> this is a pet peeve of mine, MVC was originally defined as a _modular_
> design for OOP GUI frameworks.  There, for every complex user
> interaction, you define three modules (usually a class each, but not
> necessarily): the Model that keeps the immediate data in an
> OOP-friendly way, the View that presents it using a GUI, and the
> Controller, that receives events and modifies the data in the Model,
> and (sometimes) tells the View to update or change modes.
> Code reuse gets enhanced, since you frequently can use the same view
> for different parts of the program, and the same model might be
> presented in different ways by different views.  configurability also
> becomes a desirable trait, that lets use the same view or model code
> for different objects, just by creating differently-configured
> instances.
> many years later, when the 'three-tier' web architecture (storage
> layer, business intelligence layer and presentation layer) was
> well-known and viewed by some as overly complex for 'dynamic' web
> apps, the MVC acronym got reused, but now it's a _layered_
> architecture for web apps: there you design a model layer (that
> presents storage with a nice API), a View layer (comprising of some
> data-gathering logic and templates to generate HTML) and a Controller
> layer that...... is anything else needed? well, lets say it handles
> URLs.
> As you can see, web MVC is totally different from GUI MVC, and it's a
> very ill-fitting description, since it's about layers and not modules,
> and the controller is so loosely defined (especially when compared to
> the crisp definitions in GUI MVC) that every framework defines it
> differently and in many cases add unnecessary complexity instead of
> removing it (some PHP frameworks are particularly guilty of this).
> the MTV architecture in Django is far cleaner, since it acknowledges
> that there's no controller (the URL handling part is too simple to be
> a layer), and makes very explicit the separation between
> data-gathering (view functions/classes) and presentation (templates)
> --
> Javier

Thank You Javier.

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