No offense to the author, but I would advise ignoring that blog for
the following reasons:
  # author admits he is a non-sysadmin noob
  # he installs everything globally rather than using virtualenv
  # he uses apache instead of... well... anything else
  # there does not appear to be anything in there that is specific to

Bonus reason:
  # he uses mysql instead of postgres

In fact there really isn't much of a difference between installing/
deploying to ec2 compared to installing anywhere else, so any good
article you find on django deployment will work on ec2.

Where this does not hold true is if you are looking to create the node
and deploy your app all in one step. In this case you will want to use
something like chef (or puppet I assume, though I have only used
chef).  Be forewarned that it gets quite deep in terms of mastering
all the concepts.

I reckon you could also do something like that, perhaps a bit more
crudely, with shell scripts and fabric. I haven't seen any good
examples of that though.


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