You mean that the webserver that Django itself recommends in is not a good

2012/1/12 Stuart Laughlin <>:
> On Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:09:13 AM UTC-6, Javier Guerra wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:54 AM, Stuart Laughlin <>
>> wrote:
>> >  # author admits he is a non-sysadmin noob
>> ad-hominem
> False. I pointed out what the author clearly stipulates.
> "I’m a sys admin NOOB. I am also teaching myself to code. This is my first
> time setting up this stack so there are probably going to be some
> bugs/security issues I conveniently side stepped just to get it to work."
> "This is obviously not secure enough for a ‘production’ environment."
> If that's what you want to model your deployment after, be my guest. I
> hardly think it's fallacious of me to suggest someone do otherwise.
>>  # he uses apache instead of... well... anything else
>> well-tuned apache and mod_wsgi is on the same league as the cool boys.
>>  (i still prefer nginx, and i don't think this is a good example of
>> apache tuning, but nothing bad about it)
> I don't care a whit about what "the cool boys" are doing. What I care about
> is a production deployment that works efficiently and reliably and that is
> diagnosable when something doesn't work. Apache fails those criteria; nginx
> and lighttpd pass (in my opinion and the opinion of many other developers
> who have used these technologies for non-trivial web applications in
> production environments).
>> > Bonus reason:
>> >  # he uses mysql instead of postgres
>> again, might not be the bestest choice but nowhere near a bad one.
> That's why I listed it as a bonus reason. Better than mssql and sqlite for a
> production deployment anyway, eh?
> --Stuart
> --
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Andrés Reyes Monge

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