If he can't install virtualenv (permission denied), he will have
problems copying his modules to the dist/site-packages dir. Also, this
method of manually copying is (no offence meant :-) ) rather hacky,
and probably not good advice in most situations. Thomas Rega's
suggestion of installing virtualenv locally, then installing his
modules in to this local virtualenv, is the cleanest idea for someone
without root permissions. Great tip, I didn't know about install --

On Apr 26, 12:03 pm, kamagatos <kamaga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You don't absolutely need virtualenv/pip to perform this task. Just get
> your 3rd party apps from /usr/local/lib/python2.X/dist-packages/ (if you
> are using ubuntu) and copy them at the root of your hosting python path. It
> should do the thing.
> good luck
> On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:14:58 AM UTC-4, luke lukes wrote:
> > hi everyone. i'm developing a simple CRUD django app and my idea is to
> > host it on a free web hosting site that supports django (e.g.
> > alwaysdata.com or heliohost.org). I havent tried locally to deploy it on
> > a web server such as Apache, i've alway used the development server by
> > manage.py runserver. Now i'm using third application on it: reportlab (for
> > pdf generation), django-evolution (for models changes). well these apps are
> > installed via apt-get (i'm using ubuntu as host system) or by getting the
> > packages from their own sites and installing them by setup.py install. Now
> > i've checked on alwaysdata.com and reportlab is installed, but seems
> > there's no django_evolution. what i have to do to include it in my app and
> > to get it working?
> > thanx
> > LuKe
> On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:14:58 AM UTC-4, luke lukes wrote:
> > hi everyone. i'm developing a simple CRUD django app and my idea is to
> > host it on a free web hosting site that supports django (e.g.
> > alwaysdata.com or heliohost.org). I havent tried locally to deploy it on
> > a web server such as Apache, i've alway used the development server by
> > manage.py runserver. Now i'm using third application on it: reportlab (for
> > pdf generation), django-evolution (for models changes). well these apps are
> > installed via apt-get (i'm using ubuntu as host system) or by getting the
> > packages from their own sites and installing them by setup.py install. Now
> > i've checked on alwaysdata.com and reportlab is installed, but seems
> > there's no django_evolution. what i have to do to include it in my app and
> > to get it working?
> > thanx
> > LuKe
> On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 11:14:58 AM UTC-4, luke lukes wrote:
> > hi everyone. i'm developing a simple CRUD django app and my idea is to
> > host it on a free web hosting site that supports django (e.g.
> > alwaysdata.com or heliohost.org). I havent tried locally to deploy it on
> > a web server such as Apache, i've alway used the development server by
> > manage.py runserver. Now i'm using third application on it: reportlab (for
> > pdf generation), django-evolution (for models changes). well these apps are
> > installed via apt-get (i'm using ubuntu as host system) or by getting the
> > packages from their own sites and installing them by setup.py install. Now
> > i've checked on alwaysdata.com and reportlab is installed, but seems
> > there's no django_evolution. what i have to do to include it in my app and
> > to get it working?
> > thanx
> > LuKe

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