Hello. I am trying to build a view to lookup a model field and return
an array based on the data sent to the view. The goal is to send the
contents of the "value" tag in an html select statement( i.e. in
<option value=SOME_VALUE>OPTION</option> to send the SOME_VALUE part)
to a Django view with a Dojo request call, have the Django view build
an array based on SOME_VALUE, and ultimately send the array back
through "return HttpResponse(array). So far I understand how to send
the contents of the "value" tag and how to send the array back through
the "return" statement. However, I do not know how to build the array.
Belowe I posted a segment of my "models.py", and in it you can see that
I will want to populate the array with valus from the model field
"name" in the class Game. I want to use SOME_VALUE to filter out the
rows in the field "name" that have name.id == SOME_VALUE. Any thoughts
on how I may accomplish this? Thank you in advanced for any help that I
may receive. Here's what I have so far:

        <title> title </title>
<script type="text/javascript"

<script type="text/javascript">

    function helloPressed(x)
                       url: '1/',
                       handler: helloCallback,
                       method: 'post',
                       content: x

    function helloCallback(type, data, evt)
      if (type == 'error')
        alert('Error when retrieving data from the server!');

<form id="myForm" method="POST">
    <select name="staticSELECT" id="satic"
                <option value="0"> Pick One</option>
    {% for game in games %}
        <option value="{{ game.id }}">{{ game.name }}</option>
    {% endfor %}

class Game(models.Model):
        name = models.CharField(maxlength=200)

        class Admin:

        def __str__(self):
                return self.name

def select(request):
        data = "If statement not evaluated"

        if request.POST:
                data = "POST request received"

        data = unicode( data, "utf-8")
        json = simplejson.dumps(data)
        return HttpResponse(json)

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