On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Radomir Wojcik <rado...@cldssinc.com>wrote:

> Also why did from django.contrib.auth.views.login become case sensitive? I
> have users that login with User and user, in PostgreSQL this is treated as
> 2 different things. Using MySQL it always saw it as one.. all very
> frustrating.

Django has always been case sensitive. MySQL is the problem here, because
it's default string collation isn't case sensitive. However, MySQL will
still allow you to store "User" and "user" in the same table without
hitting uniqueness constraints.

> I will try SQLite tomorrow maybe instead, been up 2 days straight trying
> to get this to work and I really don't want to use MySQL anymore since its
> now owned by Oracle and slowly going to become closed source while MariaDB
> is not fully supported by Django just yet.
> SQLite is a reasonable database for testing, but don't expect it to stand
up to any sort of real load in practice.

Russ Magee %-)

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