Hi Radomir,

> So when I changed the encoding in the sql file from LATIN1 to UTF-8 I get 
> import errors:
> (1 row)
> ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe9 0x67 0x75
> CONTEXT:  COPY locations_location, line 31
>  setval 

Well, this is not a UTF8 sequence, but probably iso-8859-1. Why do you
want to import it again, at all, after it was correct in the database,
according to your mail from  Thu, 22 Aug 2013 00:02:50 -0700?

> So what encoding can I use that is safe with french accents but at the same 
> time can be used in django no problem? LATIN1 was ok in MYSQL

UTF8 is fine for French with all characters, even Œ, œ and Ÿ.

You wrote earlier:

> messages.error(request, "Sé")  
>         And now:
>         Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file 
>         /var/web/mandala_env/mandala/alarms/views.py on line 329, but no 
> encoding 
>         declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details 
>         (views.py, line 329

This means that you need to declare the encoding of your source code
like this on the top of each file when you use non-ASCII characters in
your source.

# -*- coding: <encoding name> -*-

I don't see the realtion of this message to changing the database

Kind regards


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