On 06/11/06, Mark Jarecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to Django and Python - been at it for 4 days now - and have
> found it quite straightforward. However, I've come into difficulty
> trying to install Nesh Thumbnail according to the instructions at:
> http://trac.studioquattro.biz/djangoutils/wiki/AppInst
> And for the life of me I can't get it to work. I've tried many other
> combinations as well, but to no avail - i.e. placing the files in
> different directories, calling the files in a variety of fashions
> from model.py.
> At present, I'm calling it from my model.py file, in my app folder
> called 'Main', with "from nesh.thumbnail import field". When I run
> manage.py syncdb I get no errors. Then when i log into my Admin site,
> all the links to my model objects have disappeared. When I delete
> "from nesh.thumbnail import field" the Admin returns to normal. I've
> not called nesh.thumbnail anywhere else - I.e. settings.py.
> The file structure of the project is:
>  >>MyProject
>                        >>Main
>                        >>nesh
>                                        >>thumbnails
> I'm running on OSX 10.4.8, Python 2.5, Latest Apache 2.2, Latest
> mod_python, Latest Postgres, Django Latest SVN, Nesh Utils/Thumbnail
> Latest SVN. If that helps.
> Can someone give me explicit directions on how to get it installed?
> I.e. exactly where to put the files, where on the Pythonpath they
> should live relative to my Project files, exactly how to call them
> from my model (want the ImageWithThumbnailField for my Admin pages),
> any other settings to be aware of, common mistakes.
> I was also wondering what:
> class Foo(models.Meta):
> does as per the example on http://trac.studioquattro.biz/djangoutils/
> wiki/Thumbnail
> as opposed to:
> class Meta:
> and
> class Foo(models.Model):
> Cheers and thanks in advance!

First, things first, you might run into other (not this and not
django) related problems with 2.5. I remember running into some sort
of problem.

Next, the location of nesh, just do a "svn co" on into a random
directory (probably somewhere in your ~/. Next, do "ln -s
/home/you/nesh *path to your site-packages dir*/nesh/". Nice and

I think the "class Foo(models.Meta):" in the example is a probably
typo or something. I've used ImageWithThumbnailField in in a normal
model and I suggest that you do too.

> Mark
> >


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