On 06/11/06, Gabriel Puliatti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-11-06 at 10:07 +0000, Frankie Robertson wrote:
> > I think the "class Foo(models.Meta):" in the example is a probably
> > typo or something. I've used ImageWithThumbnailField in in a normal
> > model and I suggest that you do too.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't class models.Meta back from before
> magic-removal?

A quck trip to the old docs
(http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/0_91/model_api/) reveals
that if it was pre-MR it would be meta.Model. So yeah, it's some sort
of mangulation of some version. I would correct it but I tried to sign
up to the trac and I couldn't log in afterwards.


> --
> No violence, gentlemen -- no violence, I beg of you!  Consider the
> furniture!
>                -- Sherlock Holmes
> Gabriel Puliatti
> predius.org


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