
> On Mon, 2007-04-02 at 15:24 +1000, Michael Lake wrote:
>>Hi all
>>I have a problem I think when I use the markup package. This provides 
>>textile and restructuredtext markups. I have the following in views.py:
>>def testwiki:
>>     content = '''
>>Restructured Text Test
>>return render_to_response("app/testwiki.html" , {'content': content})
>>In testwiki.html I have {{ content|restructuredtext}}
>>The page is displayed but there is no heading level 1 i.e. I'm missing 
>>Text Test". If I place any character above the heading like 'a' then the 
>>shows fine. It also works fine if I have a H1 anywhere lower down. But If I 
>>just wish 
>>to have one H1 level Im in problems.

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> This is normal Restructured Text behaviour, although I agree it's a bit
> weird when you first see it. It's kind of a consequence of a ReST
> feature combined with us (Django) diving into the middle of the output
> processing pipeline to extract only what we need.
> There is no specific way to specify the document title or subtitle. So
> ReST uses the initial *unique* heading markup as the document title. The
> restructured text template tag only returns the document "fragment"
> after the markup has been performed. This does include the document
> title, which is why you are "losing" the first heading.
> This is in the ReST documentation
> (http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html )
> under "Document Structure", if you care.
> Not sure what a good workaround would be that is always going to work.

Bugger :-) That will probably wipe it out of use for me.
I'm writing an app where users will be inputting experiment descriptions using 
a wiki 
  hence the use of either markdown, textile or ReST. There will only be one H1 
Markdown is nice but does not have tables (I have a table extension for 
Python-Markdown but it looks comlicated to install), textile uses h1., h2. 
which I 
don't like as much and ReST looked fine.

The users will also be incorporating text entry boxes into the wiki so I have 
a small filter that turns [[name=volts size=40]] into <input name="volts" 
It's neat but I wanted the tables to allow users to align the input boxes.

I'll probably have to look at extending Markdown and potter back here and ask 
questions when I get stuck.

Thanks Malcolm.

Michael Lake

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