Thank-you for your reply.  It gives me more food for thought.
I still do not know why it works perfectly in the django development
mode, and works half the time with apache2 prefork,
and works all the time with apache2 mpm-worker.

I wonder if apache prefork reloads modules (maybe psycopg2) that I am
not aware of and that causes the pickling of the object not to work?

If anyone has any more specific encounters with this, please let me

On Apr 4, 5:05 pm, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/4/07, paceman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> > > > "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/django/contrib/sessions/",
> > > > line 10, in encode pickled = pickle.dumps(session_dict) PicklingError:
> > > > Can't pickle : it's not the same object as
> > > >
> > ******************************
> This is occurring when Django tries to pickle your session dict to
> store it back in the database.
> It's puking because something you're putting in the session back is
> not serializable.  This is (apparently) usually caused by reloading a
> module.
> See:
> and
> In this case, it appears related to psycopg2.  Are you reloading that
> anywhere?  Or possibly circularly importing things?
> > If I change Apache2 to the mpm-worker package (which, by the way, is
> > not recommended by Django): Apache2-mpm-worker - 2.2.3-4
> I have no idea why that would matter.  :)
> ...
> > Has anybody ever come across this
> No, but that's my guess.  :)

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