
Django does not support this out of the box. If you plan to use the
built-in auth module, you can extend it by creating Profile and
UserStyle model which would presumably store details about the user's
profile (fields not already in the default User model) and user's
custom style. Can't tell you which one, but that's how I did it for
one site I made with Django. Not really sure if it's a good idea to
allow users to enter arbitrary HTML code. I mean, just look at what
happened to MySpace and Friendster :) It's better to just allow users
to select from a set of predesigned templates and then allow them to
customize the CSS stylesheets.


On 6/21/07, Bryan Veloso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to build a site in which members have the ability to
> customize the look of their profile using HTML, CSS and template tags
> that we'd provide to the member. So, I want to know if Django supports
> this or not, as well as how difficult it would be to implement. Best
> case scenario would be a customization experience like that of
> Geocities or Yahoo!Pages, but experiences that parallel to say,
> Wordpress.com or MySpace would work too.
> This feature is a show-stopper, since the market I'll be gearing this
> to almost requires features like this to be there.  So am I dreaming
> that this can be done? Has anybody else attempted something like this
> yet?
> Thanks. :)
> ~ Bryan
> >



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