I have restarted apache, and I do not have those directives in my
config files.

On Jun 21, 9:34 pm, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Jun 22, 10:14 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Interestingly, I am getting some strange errors when trying to output
> > the interpreter ID to my error log.  Attempting to do so generates an
> > error in my logs:
> > [Thu Jun 21 20:00:23 2007] [error] [client]
> > PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython:   File "/djangosites/
> > atlantaice/settings.py", line 3, in ?\n
> > apache.log_error("INTERPRETER %s" % apache.interpreter)
> > [Thu Jun 21 20:00:23 2007] [error] [client]
> > PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython: AttributeError: 'module'
> > object has no attribute 'interpreter'
> You must be using an older version of mod_python then. With older
> versions of mod_python you would need to get access to mod_python
> request object through the Django request object somehow and output
> 'req.interpreter'. Ie., access 'interpreter' attribute of mod_python
> request object.
> Nicest way of making this available which automatically shows in error
> pages would be for the Django mod_python adapter to push the value
> into the request environment.
> > atlantaice.urls doesn't reference AGDWeb in any way.
> :-(
> I don't understand then how the two supposedly separate applications
> are mixing data then. You most definitely have restarted Apache and
> checked again after a restart?
> Can you verify that you don't have any of the following directives
> anywhere in your Apache configuration files:
>   PythonInterpreter
>   PythonInterpPerDirective
>   PythonInterpPerDirectory
> Graham
> > urlpatterns = patterns('',
> >     (r'^$', 'atlantaice.web.views.homepage'),
> >     (r'^alliedpartners/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.allied_partners'),
> >     (r'^contact/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.contact'),
> >     (r'^contact/confirm/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.contact_confirm'),
> >     (r'^emergency/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.emergency'),
> >     (r'^employmentopp/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.list_jobs'),
> >     (r'^employmentopp/(?P<job_id>\d+)/$',
> > 'atlantaice.web.views.show_job'),
> >     (r'^employmentopp/(?P<job_id>\d+)/apply/$',
> > 'atlantaice.web.views.job_apply'),
> >     (r'^employmentopp/confirm/$',
> > 'atlantaice.web.views.employment_confirm'),
> >     (r'^eventrentals/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.event_rentals'),
> >     (r'^eventrentals/popup/(?P<item>[0-9a-z\-]+)/$',
> > 'atlantaice.web.views.show_popup'),
> >     (r'^faqs/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.faq'),
> >     (r'^iceestimator/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.ice_estimator'),
> >     (r'^icemachines/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.ice_machines'),
> >     (r'^pastevents/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.past_events'),
> >     (r'^popup_blockice/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.popup_blockice'),
> >     (r'^popup_dryice/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.popup_dryice'),
> >     (r'^products/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.products'),
> >     (r'^servicearea/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.service_area'),
> >     (r'^services/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.services'),
> >     (r'^testimonials/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.testimonials'),
> >     (r'^weeklyroute/$', 'atlantaice.web.views.weekly_route'),
> >     (r'^weeklyroute/confirm/$',
> > 'atlantaice.web.views.weekly_route_confirm'),
> >     (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
> > On Jun 21, 7:12 pm, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > What is in:
> > >   atlantaice.urls
> > > If the details in the error page are to be believed, it would look
> > > like one of the URL mapping rules is referencing the other site.
> > > I really wish the Django error page would show the interpreter name
> > > when using mod_python. I guess another suggestion I should create a
> > > ticket for when I can catch up with my list of things to do.. :-)
> > > Graham
> > > On Jun 21, 11:39 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Error can be seen herehttp://beta.atlantaicecompany.com/
> > > > AGDWeb is an app in a totally separate project under the same
> > > > PythonPath.  It has a separate settings file.
> > > > I am not using any Django cache, I am referring to some sort of
> > > > internal caching thatmod_pythonis doing.
> > > > The settings file looks like this
> > > > <VirtualHost *>
> > > >         ServerName beta.atlantaicecompany.com
> > > >         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >         DocumentRoot /djangosites/atlantaice/
> > > >         <Location "/">
> > > >                 SetHandler python-program
> > > >                 PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> > > >                 SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE atlantaice.settings
> > > >                 PythonPath "['/djangosites/'] + sys.path"
> > > >                 PythonDebug Off
> > > >         </Location>
> > > >         <Location "/images">
> > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > >         </Location>
> > > >         <Location "/js">
> > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > >         </Location>
> > > >         <Location "/flash">
> > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > >         </Location>
> > > >         <Location "/admin-media">
> > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > >         </Location>
> > > >         ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/beta.atlantaicecompany.com-error.log
> > > >         # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,
> > > > crit,
> > > >         # alert, emerg.
> > > >         LogLevel warn
> > > >         CustomLog /var/log/apache2/beta.atlantaicecompany.com-
> > > > access.log combined
> > > >         ServerSignature Off
> > > > </VirtualHost>
> > > > and
> > > > <VirtualHost *>
> > > >         ServerName agdweb.gtagd.org
> > > >         ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >         DocumentRoot /djangosites/AGD/
> > > >         <Location "/">
> > > >                 SetHandler python-program
> > > >                 PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> > > >                 SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE AGD.settings
> > > >                 PythonPath "['/djangosites/'] + sys.path"
> > > >                 PythonDebug Off
> > > >         </Location>
> > > >         <Location "/site-media">
> > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > >         </Location>
> > > >         <Location "/admin-media">
> > > >                 SetHandler None
> > > >         </Location>
> > > >         ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/agdweb.gtagd.org-error.log
> > > >         # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,
> > > > crit,
> > > >         # alert, emerg.
> > > >         LogLevel warn
> > > >         CustomLog /var/log/apache2/agdweb.gtagd.org-access.log
> > > > combined
> > > >         ServerSignature Off
> > > > </VirtualHost>
> > > > On Jun 21, 5:45 am, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > On Jun 21, 5:46 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> > > > > > On 21-Jun-07, at 12:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > > > > cache gets confused.  But if I do that, the settings don't work
> > > > > > > correctly and the site won't load.  What am I doing wrong?
> > > > > > you need a pythonInterpretor line in each Location with a different
> > > > > > name. It is in the documentation
> > > > > Not true if each is in its own VirtualHost as the default behaviour of
> > > > >mod_pythonis to give each VirtualHost its own sub interpreter. You
> > > > > should only need to set PythonInterpreter if you were running two
> > > > > Django instances within the same VirtualHost at different mount
> > > > > points.
> > > > > For completeness, it would help if OP posted both VirtualHost
> > > > > configurations side by side in the same message, so one can see
> > > > > properly the PythonPath setting for each and the
> > > > > DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE setting.
> > > > > BTW, if using recentmod_python, to confirm that distinct Python sub
> > > > > interpreters are being used one can use:
> > > > >   frommod_pythonimport apache
> > > > >   apache.log_error("INTERPRETER %s" % apache.interpreter)
> > > > > Then check the Apache error log file.
> > > > > I would also suggest printing the value of sys.path to make sure it is
> > > > > what you expect.
> > > > > More importantly, when you say "Django's cache is confusing the two
> > > > > sites and is saying that one table from a project doesn't exist in the
> > > > > other project's db", can you post the actual full message you are
> > > > > getting, and state where you are getting it. If it has a traceback,
> > > > > also include the traceback.
> > > > > Graham

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