On Sep 20, 12:16 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 20-Sep-07, at 12:23 AM, Steve Potter wrote:
> > I'm already quite sure I don't want to install mod_python on the
> > existing Apache after reading all of the warnings about using the same
> > Apache to serve static documents and Django.
> I am not sure exactly what you mean by this. mod_python is the
> preferred way to go. The only thing is that static content/media will
> go directly to apache bypassing mod_python. The 'warnings' are only
> to help you to improve performance. Just performance, nothing evil
> will happen if you serve those through mod_python.

All those warnings about using the same Apache to serve static
documents as Django are generally totally meaningless to the average
user. This is because the load on an average Apache site is no where
near enough for it to be of concern. Problem is that people like to
run these benchmarks looking at raw low level performance and because
lighttpd shows better static file performance that it must therefore
be better to farm off the static file requests. Reality is that the
bottle neck for your application is going to be the Python code and
database access. This is going to slow down the user experience
immensely more than how quick your static files are served up.

So, unless you know you are going to be running a web site with huge
numbers of hits a day, it is probably reasonably safe to totally
ignore such warnings. If you are going to run a large site with a lot
of hits, you shouldn't be listening to such hearsay and should instead
be doing your own proper benchmarking with the particular hardware you
intend using. From that you are more likely to look at using multiple
machines and a proper front end distributed load balancing solution
than toying with trying to run lighttpd and Apache together with
Apache proxying static requests to lighttpd. In general it just isn't
going to be worth the effort.

Now I now that some are likely to disagree with this. Well all I can
say is show me the proper analysis and benchmarking that it makes any
difference for your average web site. There may be some anecdotal
comments about this on the net, but finding some real substance to
such claims is much harder to come by.

In summary, go with what is ever the easiest for you to setup and
manage and does what you need. When your web site takes off and looks
like it will become the next greatest thing, then you might revisit
it, but you will go a long way with a simple setup before needing
anything more complicated. In the meantime, concentrate on optimising
your Python application first and reducing its bottlenecks.


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