> My son gave me some space to play in on an Apache server he rents.

Is this a dedicated server or a shared hosting account?

Dedicated? Carry on.

Shared? Watch out! Many shared hosting providers frown on (or outright
forbid) "long running processes." Without thinking about what I was
doing, I started working through the Django tutorial on a 1and1.com
account. The third time I tried to run the development server (It just
wouldn't seem to work) I suddenly found myself locked out of my
account (and all of my domains blocked for web and mail) for 24 hours.

If you need your own play space for cheap, checkout http://www.webfaction.com/.
$10/month with user-configurable Apache. Alternatively, get an old PC,
slap on Ubuntu Linux (or the distro of your choice), and run a local
server. This has the benefit of letting you pickup some LAMP (Linux,
Apache, MySQL, Python) skills while learning Django. Warning: There
can be several steepish learning curves involved here, although most
distros come with a default LAMP setup installed for you. If you are
planning on selling your skills, this might be the right route to take.
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