> only save sessions which have been modified
Actually, the code in the sessions/middleware is:
         if modified or settings.SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST:
so the whole point is to save it whether it's modified or not.

But then you mentioned:
> perhaps a misconfigured COOKIE_PATH

Does "not configured" count as misconfigured? :-)
Sheesh, do I ever feel stoopid.

Although I have settings up the wazoo, I find I have zero, zip, and
nada regarding SESSION_COOKIE_anything.

Looking at conf/global_settings.py, I see these defaults:

SESSION_COOKIE_AGE is 2 weeks, fine.
SESSION_COOKIE_PATH = '/' seems perfectly reasonable.

SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN is .... None? Gaack!
How does it even work with None?!

I just checked the site cookies with WebDeveloper Toolbar and the
sessionid Host looks perfectly valid:

Name    sessionid
Value   12345ae9eaa7111fddaf0fbfe1f9310e
Host    www.example.com
Path    /
Secure  No
Expires Fri, 18 Jan 2008 21:47:22 GMT

So, that doesn't seem to be a problem ... is it?

So, I'm back to ... what's with all of the rapid session creation?

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