On Jan 6, 2008 10:58 AM, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> The situation is a little subtle: by default, we use the same session
> cookie name for every Django site. You can change that. In fact, when I
> first saw this message, I couldn't repeat the problem because the case I
> tested it on had the session cookie being called something unique.
> Anyway, with the default name, you will sometimes be submitting a
> session cookie that comes from another Django site. The session id won't
> match anything in your database, so the subversion version of Django
> (with the new pluggable backends ... this shouldn't be a problem in
> 0.96) will save a new session to the database. However, it wasn't
> marking this new session as "modified", so the HTTP response wasn't
> sending back a set-cookie header. Thus, on the next request, you'd get
> the same bad session id, a *new* session entry would be created...
> rinse, wash, repeat.
> This would happen even if you weren't specifically using the session on
> a particular request (in fact *only* in that case -- because if you
> wrote to the session, it was being sent to the user each time). So
> [7001] makes sure the new session cookie is sent back to the user as
> well.

Just managed to put on Trac some mental notes I had made about topics
being discussed on the mailing lists and tickets I had seen being opened
and found this isue had already been reported as bug #5593. I'm closing it
and leaving a link to this thread there.


 Ramiro Morales

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