> I'm still having a problem since my shell can't seem to find django-
> admin.py. I know it's there; found it in /usr/share/python-support/
> python-django/django/bin.

Just to prevent other "dunder-headed mistakes", I presume it's 
truely named "django-admin.py", not just "django-admin". :)

You might also check that 
/usr/share/python-support/python-django/bin [aside:  this looks 
like an odd path, but whatever floats your boat :) ]  is in your 
system path?

you should be able to either add that directory to your path, or 
create a link to it:

   ln -s 

(all one line, in case some mail agent between here and there 
decides to break that into multiple lines)

assuming /usr/local/bin is in your system path.

> directory. So now I need to find out why it's not in the search path.
> But this is probably a question for another forum.

the easiest way is to add it to your shell's configuration file 
(usually a .bashrc or .bash_profile though I never remember which 
runs in which contexts).

   export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/python-support/python-django/bin

> And more thanks to Jeff Anderson for helpful comments about SVN. I
> will indeed explore this further.

Yes, running from SVN has both advantages and disadvantages. 
0.96 is nice for stability (the API is pretty much frozen), but 
lacks MANY nice new features that the SVN Trunk has brought to 
the table.  However, if you follow Trunk, you have to watch the 
backwards-incompatable changes when you "svn up" to pull down the 

> Then there's Kenneth Gonzales. All I can say is, "hey dude, that's not
> very friendly."
> And as for James Bennet... I can't for the life of me understand what
> he's going on about. There were no hidden traps or gotchas intended in
> my post.

The waters are full of trolls fishing for a fight about their 
favorite framework, so the sensitivity to smack it down is pretty 
high.  The list is for discussing Django, so if folks come 
looking for a fight, they're rapidly smacked down with a request 
to take up the issue on someplace like 
alt.web.frameworks.flamewar or comp.lang.ruby or some similar 
location.  Just think of it as getting unfortunately fingered as 
a false-positive.  Sorry you got mis-identified.

When not wearing defender-of-the-list hats, the ML is generally 
both friendly and helpful.


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