
To do that I would use an auxilliary model:

class Journalist(models.Model):

class Article(models.Model):

class JournalistArticleRelationship(models.Model):
  journalist = models.ForeignKey(Journalist)
  article = models.ForeignKey(Article)
  status = models.Charfield()

That way you could associate a particular article with a particular
journalist and giving it a particular status.

Hope that helps.

On Jun 27, 1:55 pm, bhunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, sorry for what is probably a trivial question, but I'm new to
> Django and a little fuzzy on databases in general, so I hope someone
> here can help.  Just to keep the motif, I'll frame my question in
> terms of journalism.
> I'd like to set up a database with the following relationships:  a
> model of articles and a model of journalists.  That's easy enough.
> Because one article can have multiple journalists associated with it,
> that's a ManyToMany relationship:
> class Journalist(models.Model):
>   pass
> class Article(models.Model):
>   journalists = models.ManyToManyField(Journalist)
> Simple, but that's not what I happen to want.  What I really want in
> my application is to know the *status* of a journalist with respect to
> an article.  That status could be, let's say, one of four things:
> ["Unafilliated", "CurrentlyWriting", "DoneWriting", "Dead"].
> Coming from a Python background, I might just call this a dictionary
> of statuses, with Journalists being the keys, and each entry
> containing one of four values:
> class Article(models.Model):
>   status = { "Bob Ryan" : "CurrentlyWriting",
>                  "Rob Bradford" : "Unaffiliated",
>                  "Peter Gammons" : "DoneWriting",
>                  "Dan Shaughnessy" : "Dead"}
> Ok, Shaughnessy isn't dead, but if you lived in Boston, you'd
> understand.  Anyway, a dictionary is nice and all, but then the
> information isn't in the database, and that's the whole point.
> Can anyone tell me what this relationship is called and how to do it
> in Django?
> Thanks!
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