Let me preface that this is not a question about translating flatpage

I have a project created in english and I've had someone create
Romanian translations for the necessary strings.  Most of these are
just menu text, titles, etc -- all of the actual content on the site
will be created by a Romanian in Romanian.

So the setup here is that base.html has menus and things that use {%
trans "strings strings" %}.  I have a template called
introduction.html which extends from base.html.  When I render this
template (direct_to_template), all of the translations in base.html
for the menus and such work great.  However, when I do the exact same
thing with a flatpage, nothing gets translated in the base template.
The introduction.html and flatpages/default.html are nearly the same,
except that my page_title and content blocks are actual content in
introduction.html and filled by the flatpage context variable
attributes in flatpages/default.html.

Is this a known issue (I couldn't find anything on it)? I can
workaround it by just making templates out of the content instead of
flatpages, but thats a crappy solution.

I am using svn-7774.  I am also using the Modify Headers add on for
Firefox 3 extension to set Accept-Language to ro for testing.

Jay Wineinger

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