
I feel your pain.  It's probably not best on the Django forum to say
this but:

1. Any modern framework is fine (Cake/PHP, Django/Python, Merb/Ruby,
2. Use a framework of some sort (don't just roll with 'Java' without
some sort of web-specific framework for your needs)
3. Any real database will work (i.e. Access will not do and should not
be used for any web application ever - SQL Server is an amazing
database if you're stuck in a Windows only environment and there is
cash to throw around).

What really matters is:

1. Comfort level of the developers who will be working on the product
with whatever framework
2. Comfort level of the systems administrators and the rest of the
organization who will be supporting it after you leave


1. Django is just a front end for Python.  Places using Python include
Nasa.  It is also a standard language in all modern UNIX systems -
which says alot about how solid it is and how it's here to stay.


On Oct 23, 6:21 am, "Matthew Talbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Dj, that is helpful.
> > A project I worked on over the summer used a Database that was 130
> > tables, and getting 1gb updates every 2 minutes. I was witting a new
> > web app to do calculations on the data and the company wanted to use
> > Java since thats what they knew best and had spend huge amounts of
> > money (1 mil +) to support with Sun Servers, and such. But I knew
> > python and django would be a better fit for this particular app, but
> > the boss wouldnt listen. So we had 10 Developers working on the Java
> > version (Including me) and over 3 months we got it about 85% done,
> > though it had no unit tests. During the same three months, I worked on
> > my own time after work and basically had no life for the whole time, I
> > was able to get the web app 100% complete with unit tests. That
> > convinced my boss that Django was a good fit.
> > The site is an internal app that I cannot give access to (And I
> > actually had to get permission to give what info I have), but I can
> > say that Django is a suitable framework for what you are looking for.
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