Shao wrote:
> Dear ALL,
> I am very much interested in using a HTML to fire off a data
> processing script to run over the internet.
> I will be very grateful if you can advise me on passing parameters
> from an HTML form to a script and fire the script off to carry out
> full execution, monitor its progress and return an innerHTML with link
> (a name string of) the file generated back to allow user to download
> the result.
> The script run over a period of 2 to 3 minutes.
I designed a system to do something similar, but never implemented it fully.

Basically, a Django view would fire off a Python thread that would run
the script, and report its progress. I chose to use a Django model that
the Python thread would store its progress in. The progress was
monitored by the end user via AJAX. It queried the progress of the job
once a second or so until it was completed. I only implemented a proof
of concept, where the script would only count to 100. Unfortunately, I
didn't save the code. The project I was doing it for was scrapped. The
proof of concept code was fairly easy to implement. I think it'd fit
your bill.

If you aren't familiar with AJAX, I suggest reading a tutorial about how
AJAX works, and then consider using an AJAX library.

Hopefully this gives you a good starting point.

Jeff Anderson

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