On Feb 2, 2009, at 23:32, lbologn...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Feb 1, 2:38 am, "mattimust...@gmail.com" <mattimust...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I never understood the logic of it either. I also expected to be able
>> to do  something like {{previous_fields.firstname }}.
> Found it!
> class EnrollWizard(FormWizard):
>    def get_template(self, step):
>        return 'enroll_wizard_%s.html' % step
>    def process_step(self, request, form, current_step):
>        if current_step == 3:
>            form0 = self.get_form(0, request.POST)
>            form1 = self.get_form(1, request.POST)
>            form2 = self.get_form(2, request.POST)
>            context = (dict(form0=form0, form1=form1, form2=form2))
>            return render_to_response(self.get_template(self.step),
> context)
> And then in the template to display a summary i play with ifequal
>  {%ifequal form0.course 2%}
>  Intensive course
>  {%endif%}
>  {%ifequal form0.course 1%}
>  Standard course
>  {%endif%}
> If anybody has a more elegant solution i'm all ears!

Not sure whether it is more elegant or not, but here goes:

As I understand it, the wizard-class contains an extra_context that  
automatically gets handed to the templates. You can modify the  
extra_context in the process_step-method, allowing you to add  
additional information for each step you go through. Also, as I  
understand it, the process_step-method is given a cleaned (correct)  
form for the current step, so you can extract information from that  
form and put it into the extra_context.

Thus, you could do something like (no changes to get_template):

class EnrollWizard(FormWizard):
    def process_step(self, request, form, step):
       if step == 0:
          self.extra_context['foo'] = form.cleaned_data['foo']
       elif step == 1:
          self.extra_context['bar'] = form.cleaned_data['bar']
       elif step == 3:
          self.extra_context['baz'] = form.cleaned_data['baz']

Now, in each template you will have access to more and more additional  
information, just like so:

{{ foo }}

{{ bar }}

{{ baz }}

I am not sure exactly how this maps to your example (as I do not fully  
understand it), but maybe it could simplify things slightly for you?

Now, if someone could point me to a simple way of combining form  
wizards with formsets, my day would be complete... :-)



Johan Liseborn

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