Currently, the @login_required() decorator does not preserve any #hash
part of the URL.  So if I go to /page#section1 without being logged
in, I'm redirected to /login?next=/page#section1.  After logging in,
I'm redirected to /page (without the hash part).

I read in another thread here that the hash is not sent as part of the
request headers, so the django server doesn't have this information.
However, I still need to be able to preserve the hash part of URL's
when using the login feature, since the hash can alter the page in
AJAX apps.

My question: does anyone have any ideas how to go about implementing
this?  My first thought is to modify the @login_required() decorator,
so that it spits out some javascript to 1) capture the hash of the url
and then 2) redirect to the login page.  This may break the back
button in browsers.

Does anyone else have ideas of how to do something like this?  Thanks!
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