On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Hamza<dr.hamzam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello ,
> i have an issue in Django-Admin , when i click on logout and change
> password , it add /admin/logout and /admin/change_password/ to the
> current path as in http://localhost:8000/admin/posts/admin/logout/ and
> does the same to password_change .
> when trying to manually override this by adding /admin/logout/ and /
> admin/password_change/ it redirect to /admin/password_change/admin/
> password_change/done/
> How can i fix this issue ?!
> am using django RC 1.1 !

This sounds like it might be related to the last ticket that was
blocking the v1.1 release - #10061. I was under the impression that
these problems had been solved, but if I'm wrong, this will need to be
corrected before we release v1.1 final.

However, while you have described the problem you are having, you
haven't provided enough detail for others to reproduce the same
problem. In particular, how have you deployed your admin site? Can you
provide the urls.py, and any configuration of the admin site that you
may have done? When you say "manually override by adding
/admin/logout...", what _exactly_ have you done, and where?

Russ Magee %-)

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