On Nov 29, 5:52 pm, Atamert Ölçgen <mu...@muhuk.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 28 November 2009 07:28:27 digicase wrote:> I am sad to report 
> this, as up until now I had complete faith and
> > trust in them. That has been lost over the past few days. Support were
> > not transparent, status updates rare and vague.
> I have been following web44 issues from RSS and it sure has taken much longer
> than other instances. Sorry about what you've been through, I would gone mad
> if something like that had happened to me. I hope the issue gets resolved
> soon.
> I am all for customers disclosing their experiences with brands. So, please
> people; don't try to shut people up when they say something negative. I think
> open source communities should be open to such discussions.
> Having said that, I'm a webfactioner for some years and very happy with the
> service. Sure I had issues, but I have always found some real person to seek
> help on the other side. So my experience is actually the opposite of "not
> transparent". Big companies, small companies, they all make mistakes. Trouble
> begins when they start treating their customers like dirt. I bet we can find
> enough testimonials that WF is not (yet) one of them.

I received a good email From Remi at WF which told me all I needed to
know. The outage was unacceptable but hopefully lessons have been

> > Furthermore their daily backup of our home folder was corrupted, which
> > is probably as much as a lesson to me as a bad mark for Webfaction.
> This is a big issue. I hope they take appropriate action and fix this.

A subversion checkout become unusable, but that wasn't a huge deal.
Some photos are not there but overall the backup served it's purpose.

> Again, I hope you get your server up and running in no time.

Thanks, the site server is working again now :)
> --
> Saygılarımla,
> Atamert Ölçgen
>  -+-
>  --+
>  +++
> www.muhuk.com
> mu...@jabber.org


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