I went with Django because of Python. It is a multi-purpose language
that is used in the sciences, social sciences, and scripting for
software\videogames. Ruby on the other hand is primarily known just
for Rails. I also figured Python would be faster and only get faster
due to Google's Unladen Swallow, though that project hasn't had much
success yet. Another benefit to python\django is it runs on Google App

If you want do web development for a company you are not starting
yourself go with Rails as it has more market mass. If you want to do
freelance independent website development or your own startup, go with
Django if it you can build faster with it.

A good django book I enjoyed was "Django 1.0 Web Site Development" by
Ayman Hourieh, as it covers using AJAX and jQuery in a Django site as
well as regular Django stuff. It's an older version but I believe all
the code\idioms still work, the sole thing deprecated in it was the
Messaging system.

Also, I HIGHLY reccomend you use South for Django: http://south.aeracode.org/
. It will make your life MUCH easier!

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