On 16/09/19 14:05, Thierry Murgue wrote:
> Le 23/08/2019 à 15:39, Hofer Konrad a écrit :
>> will there be a new release of DL for thunderbird 68?
> Same request here: Yuri do you think to have enough time to make a
> release for TB 68?

I think from what I understand due to a variety of circumstances the
chances are pretty well zero.

I have offered to pay for for it to be updated but no takers.

I don't believe that Moz/TB are that bothered as they probably get some
form of sponsorship for including WeTransfer. This would just lose them

Ahhh, yes:


"WeTransfer and Thunderbird are both excited to be able to work together
on this great feature for our users. The Thunderbird team thinks that
this will really improve the experience of collaboration and and sharing
for our users."

Follow the smell of money.

Seems it is baked in to Thunderbird and you cannot remove it. Shocking.

I've added a bug but it will be chinned off as normal.


Another reason not to use TB.

I wish I could code the extension myself but it is way out of my range.
If you know anyone interested in working on it then let me know.

In the meantime we are starting to look at moving away from TB.

The DL plugin was one of the few things that kept us there. Without it
we may as well look at alternatives.

Sick of being told by Moz devs they know best and we know nothing.

Hey ho.

B. Rgds

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