1. The fact that some folk know about these issues and that they were talked about at some point in time and that there is an obscure record of those discussions does not mean that these issues are well-documented or well-understood broadly.

The guy who wrote the security screed appears to have made not even the least attempt to see if these are known issues (google finds them pretty fast.) I don't think I would want to take security advice from someone like that.

I haven't bothered with a detailed critique of the paper.

Here you go:

1.  You can add extra Subject and From headers!

2. There are changes that don't change the semantics of the message (much)
   but break the signature!

The first was beaten to death by someone we both know at innumerable IETF, M3AAWG, and other meetings. The other is mentioned in the spec.

We should strongly consider producing such a treatment, with a title like "DKIM Pragmatics" or the like.

We could do that but I don't see any reason to think that the people who haven't read any of the other good advice would read it.

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