On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:49 PM, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
>>      > 3. alignment domain-list value to include in alignment check:
>> It doesn't scale as a complete solution for mailing lists. I don't see
>> any scaling problem for the case of a domain used by a single entity
>> that wants to authorize a few service providers to send email on its
>> behalf.
> Is that really a problem?  I was under the impression that a sender
> either adds the providers' IPs to their SPF record, or gives them a DKIM
> signing key.
> This seems quite different from the mailing list problem, where it's
> unlikely that it is practical to track exactly which lists its users
> subscribe to.

It's a problem if the service provider wants to offer bounce
processing by using their own domain for the return path, which I
think is not uncommon. That puts SPF out of alignment. Sharing a DKIM
key is a solution, but is not trivial.

The alignment domain-list solution seems trivial to me, and it works
without active support from the sender, which is nice.

Joe Humphreys

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